Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Love like that - Natalie Fox

Mills & Boon - Romance

Lili mayer goes to Tuscany to wind up the affairs of her father and encounters his neighbor, the impossible Vittorio Rossi.

She realises that his neighbor and his little son Carlo were more than neighbors to her father, and that he had married Vittorio's mother in a private ceremony. From distrust and antagonism, they move towards love. And so, Lili and Vittorio find the kind of love they yearned for.

The story is okay..

I would give it 3 stars out of 5.


Macadamia The Nut said...

Seriously girlfriend, sometimes the humble M&B can do wonders for your morale. Lol!

Aj said...

I is great that you have an ocean of books to sail with the emotions.

Good job..keep bloging.

Okie said...

I've heard that this is supposed to be good. May have to add it to my list.