I would never attempt to summarise these books.....!!!!!!!
Anyway, I thought I should join the millions of fans who have commented and raved about the Harry Potter books.
Other than the err...magical plot , the amazing continuity in all the seven books, the great characters who will remain forever in the memory of the readers, and everything else, the best thing about the whole series,(in my humble opinion), is the way Rowlings has portrayed Harry and the others.
Harry is not the brave, handsome adventurous hero..... Snape is not just the meanest professor....and Dumbledore is not omnipotent despite being the greatest wizard of all......... Not to mention all that goes on in Voldermot's mind!.........In fact, they are all so.......soooo human!!!
Just to drive my point home, Harry is resigned to his fate...orphaned, bullied, barely tolerated by his relatives...until he is introduced to the wondorous world of magic, where he belongs, is accepted, and is....famous!!!! His noble spirit is revealed when he befriends Ron, chooses Gryffindor over Slytherin and has an instinctive aversion to Malfoy!
As the series progress, it is amazing how Harry's acts and thoughts reflect his age....Quidditch, girls, aurors....being cast as a hero does not keep him from turning envious of Ron, when he is made a prefect, nor is he very bright when his emotions are involved....good thing Hermione is around to provide some feminine perspective!....
I have watched all the movies, played the PC games and read all the books many times over....... If there are people out there who have not read these books, I have only one thing thing to say.....Your loss!!!!!!!!!!!
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